The Sunday Currently No. 9

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No Senti Saturdays yesterday because I'm saving it for next Saturday. It'll be worth the wait, I swear!


R E A D I N G  Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.
W R I T I N G  a documentary review for my sister's homework. Ugh. Ate duties. 
C L I C K I N G documentary reviews because I've limited knowledge on documentary making and how I should evaluate it.
L I S T E N I N G  Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Yes. I also like torturing myself. 
T H I N K I N G  about that old friend who's giving me the creeps. Have to stop. It has to stop.
S M E L L I N G this lavender-scented air freshener our neighbor got us.
W I S H I N G I was more of an optimist.
H O P I N G to be able to hang-out with my Arayat friends this week!
W E A R I N G my nightgown. Can't believe my godmother got me this for Christmas lol
L O V I N G this time of the day when I'm the only one up.
W A N T I N G go out with my High School friends. KTV with my favorite people isn't much to ask for, right? :<
N E E D I N G  to finish my reading for Lit tomorrow and to make a journal entry. Procrastination Queen's at it again!
F E E L I N G confused. I've never been this confused in such a long time that I think confused has already become a default feeling.

I just want to thank those people who have the time (and patience) to read my blog (because, really, I suck at this blogging thing). This is just an outlet, actually, and for me to practice my writing.

Have a great week! Cheerios. :)