Thursday Tunes No. 2

2:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

For consistency's sake, I've decided to give a name for my playlist posts - Thursday Tunes. I used to dislike Thursdays since I was a kid because: 1) I've been to 6 different schools and I always get assigned to be a Thursday cleaner, whereas, I do most of the cleaning while my groupmates just hang around, and 2) it's always a bad day. Thursdays, for me, give out negative energy, so I gotta find ways to counter it. My grandmother recommended that I listen to upbeat music to brighten my mood so I wouldn't even feel like it's a bad day. I've been taking this advice since my junior year in High School, and from then on, Thursdays didn't feel so bad anymore!

Here are some of the songs I listen to:
 (In no particular order)

And, yes, I will definitely update this playlist in the future. Hope your week's doing fine.
