The Sunday Currently No. 7

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My last Sunday before school starts. Two months went by so fast. I wasn't even able to fulfill my last minute getaway. Oh, well. At least I made plans with friends this week. I can't wait!


R E A D I N G  Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. My first ever Kinsella read. I'm not kidding. I was never into Chick Lit, but I needed a break from reading Murakami (No offense. I still love you). I'm on 4th chapter. So far so good!
W R I T I N G  an article about relationships, and this blog post.
L I S T E N I N G  to Life is Strange's soundtrack. This interactive graphic adventure game is phenomenal not only for its theme, but also for its soundtrack, aesthetics, and plot.
T H I N K I N G  of how how I could keep this conversation (relationship) last.
S M E L L I N G the scent of my shampoo. Just got out the shower.
W I S H I N G - for quality professors this semester.
H O P I N G - for a good day tomorrow, or better yet, a good week!
W E A R I N G - my polka-dot jammies and shirt (they're not even matching huhu)
L O V I N G - my dyed hair. My freshman do!
W A N T I N G - to go shopping for school supplies later. Sadly the sky does not permit to.
N E E D I N G  to get a preview of the courses we're taking this semester.
F E E L I N G - sleepy.
C L I C K I N G - tumblr