Freewriting bullshit no. (i forgot to keep track)
Thing is, I've only have 2 weeks left to accomplish all my requirements and exams, and I have no idea how to balance everything. I'm never good at time management. (And wow, you still managed to make this blog post. Kudos to you, Aj!)I haven't written or read any book in months, or should I say, I haven't been doing anything practical and productive since god knows when. And here I am forcing my brain to get its shit together. I forgot where the Academic to Vacation Mode Switch is.
My mind's wandering off somewhere. Already transcending in to the pleasures of Dry-Season Break. I need the Beach, the all-nighters with my girlfriends, the FUN without having to worry about anything!
Welp, it's almost 11 and I better finish my speech draft for English.
Wish me luck and pray for my good soul. T ^ T